Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fly Higher

In the beginning, you read letter by letter, aggregating them to form words who's meaning you memorized. Then you began building your vocabulary, adding a word to it each time you could recognize a word, not by dissecting it into a sequence of letters, but by clumping the letters together into a meaningful structure. You probably stopped your reading development at this stage, thinking that was all you needed to learn to read well. You learned how to crawl and have settled for crawling through all of your books, when you could be experiencing the exhilaration of soaring.

Your focus was on individual letters, but moved higher until it was on individual words. It is time to start flying at higher and higher altitudes. Begin by reading in groups of two or three words. Visually focus on the middle of the word group, stretching your peripheral vision to grab the entire group. Train yourself to pick up more and more words per eye fixation and you will soon be reading in ideas.

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