Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Set a Timer

When you set a timer for a reading session, you are ordering your brain to stay focused on reading your book for the set duration.

Setting a timer will:
  1. Increase your reading speed -- There's a magic to an imminent deadline. Setting a timer will create a time pressure that will force you to focus on reading. This heightened focus will complement your tendency to work harder and faster while being timed and result in you cruising through your reading.
  2. Provide a means for tracking progress -- By timing yourself, you will be able to calculate your reading speed. We recommend calculating and writing down your reading speed (words per minute, or WPM) at least once a week.
  3. Help you schedule breaks -- Taking breaks to rehydrate and get your blood flowing will increase your reading endurance and effectiveness. We suggest reading in blocks of 30 minutes with 5 minute breaks.

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